About Our Meetings
The St. Albert Bereavement Fellowship has a year-round program to help bereaved persons with the difficult task of grieving the death of a loved one. Our group provides information on coping, communication skills, and taking care of one's health to enhance self-awareness and personal growth for better mental and physical well- being. To carry out these aims, we provide speaker meetings, small group sharing, one-on-one support, phone calls, support and educational materials.
Links Support Group 7:00 PM 4th Tuesday of each month 7 Tache Street, St. Albert  roll mouse over for details Guest Speakers (except July and August) 7:00 PM 2nd Tuesday of each month 7 Tache Street, St. Albert roll mouse over for details
“When you are sorrowful, look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.”   -- Kahlil Gibran “We bereaved are not alone. We belong to the largest company in all the world -- the company of those who have known suffering.”   ~Helen Keller, We Bereaved In-person meetings: Red Willow Place 7 Tache Street, St. Albert
These services are provided by volunteers who have developed their talents to help serve the needs of our community in the area of bereavement.
Call us for information about our social gathering every fourth Saturday. Everyone is welcome to attend these supportive group sessions. In-person Speaker Meetings and Links Support meetings have resumed.   Check here for our COVID Updates page.